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Top 5: Arnold’s 5 Best One Liners

If there’s one thing Arnold Schwarznegger is the master of, it’s saying one liners to people before and/or after killing them. Here’s our picks for his 5 best.

5. “You’re Luggage.” (Eraser)


Arnold comes to Vanessa William’s rescue at the NYC Zoo in a hail of gunfire and electric guitar solos. They’re pinned down by James Caan’s goons in the reptile house. With only two bullets left Arnold shoots out the glass of the alligator tank and unleashes them. The gators proceed to kill most of the goons and Arnold and Vanessa make a break for it. But, a horribly CGI gator lunges at Arnold and he puts a bullet in it’s brain and disses it with our fifth best quip.

4. “He had to split” (The Running Man)


The line doesn’t actually appear in that video but it occurs a short time after. Arnold is trying to survive Richard Dawson’s sadistic game show, The Running Man, and has already defeated the ice hockey playing sumo wrestler Sub Zero. His next competitor is Buzzsaw who, as his name might imply, uses chainsaws as his primary weapon. After a tense showdown, Arnold manages to turn Buzzsaw’s chainsaw against him and slices him up through his crotch. He runs into his teammate, Amber, who asks what happened to Buzzsaw. His answer is above.

3. “See you at the party, Richter!” (Total Recall)


After engaging in a fistfight on a service elevator, Michael Ironside’s Richter gets tossed over the side and is hanging onto Arnold’s neck and telling him, “You’re coming with me!”. Unfortunately an overhang bears down and rips Richter’s arms off. What makes this quip so great is not only is it a sick burn but the fact that Arnold throws Richter’s severed arms after him while he says it.

2. Hasta La Vista, Baby (T2: Judgement Day)


Is this Arnold’s most famous line? Probably, and for good reason. After 2 hours of trying to escape from the relentless T-1000 Arnold and gang crash into a foundry of some kind. A liquid nitrogen truck crashes into the foundry as well and spills it’s contents everywhere. The T-1000, being liquid metal, is frozen by it and seems to be finally stopped. Arnold pulls out a pistol, says the classic line, and puts a bullet in the T-1000’s head, shattering him into a million pieces. Unfortunately the heat of the foundry begins to thaw him almost immediately, leading to another half hour of battle.

1. “Let off some steam, Bennett!” (Commando)


Does it get any better than this? After wading through over 80 thugs including Bill Duke, Arnold has only one enemy left, the fabulously dressed Bennett. Deciding not to use guns they have a vicious knife fight where Bennett is electrocuted and comes back even stronger. After an onslaught of punches from Arnold, Bennett is on the ropes and picks up a machine gun. Before he can use it though, Arnold pulls a pipe off the wall and throws it into Bennett’s chest. Amazingly, there is still steam coming out thus the number one quip.

I know that Arnold has a ton more great one liners and if you think any of them deserve to be in the top 5 instead of one of these let us know. Come back tomorrow to see if there are any good movies coming out this weekend. (FYI, it’s not looking good.)

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