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The Pull List – Quantum And Woody #2

Brotherly fighting is expected between siblings, toss in super powers into the mix, there will more damages than cuts and bruises.  Eric Henderson held back the one secret thing that Woody Henderson wanted to know more than everything in the world–the truth about his biological father. Eric has hung up his costume and is working as a guard for a US government warehouse that stores all sorts of mad science creations. It houses the Epsilon Box, a classified device that was recovered from a previous Quantum and Woody adventure and it’s actual use is unknown. Eric was a top pick to guard the warehouse for his fighting abilities and is slightly worshiped by the warehouse’s head of security Keith. Feeling betrayed by his brother, Woody comes across an offer from Negative One, a cloned henchman created by a disembodied head of Thomas Edison (Because science!). Negative One and her partner Thedge, a living giant hedge, are employed by a mysterious benefactor that wants to employee Woody. 

Together two adoptive brothers were heroes Quantum and Woody, but at the moment the two are frustrated brothers who each are forced into dealing with family breaking secret. Besides the super powers, this is pretty dramatic stuff. In previous story arc’s, it’s usually Woody doing the backstabbing.Eric was the no non-sense brother that had a code of honor, while Woody was the wild card that that would cause be most of the trouble. The brothers have routinely fought each other due to their differences, and the Eric betraying Woody’s trust is a neat twist. 

Comic creators Daniel Kibblesmith and Kano keeps the humor in the forefront of the series, focusing on hilarious dialogue and slap stick visuals. One of the funniest moments in the issue takes place in the warehouse filled with bizarre weaponry that plays out like an old looney toons skit. This issue builds up the main plot that places Quantum and Woody into a bigger complications that will test the brothers loyalty to each other and where the US government will treat the brothers from now on. 

Quantum And Woody #2 will be on sale January 31st 2018

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