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The Pull List – Metaphase #2

Ollie falls for the allure of gaining superpowers from Meta-Makers, a science company that can alter humans. Wanting to be like his superhero father, Ollie takes the chance and visits Meta-Maker in hopes of changing into something new. However, Ollie’s innocent intentions can have serious consequences. The head scientist of Meta-Makers is seeking more DNA material to build up a personal super-powered army. When Ollie unknowingly becomes part of the Meta-Makers secret plans, the city will need a hero to save the day.

Issue two brings the story of Metaphase to a satisfying conclusion. This double-sized comic wraps up a big learning arc for Ollie and his super-powered father. The Meta-Makers plans for world domination become realized with the indirect help of Ollie, but that does not last long. Not with good people standing in their way. This coming of age tale mixes the superhero origins and real-life challenges of overcoming adversity into an entertaining family-friendly comic. Ollie’s down syndrome doesn’t limit him as a person or a hero in his own eyes. While others may doubt Ollie’s capabilities, he never stops believing in himself. 

Chip Reece’s personal experience shines on the pages as Ollie and his father share heartwarming moments about loving and caring for the family. Underneath the super heroics of the story is a comic that is a father’s love for his child. It’s truly inspirational to see a creator able to characterize his devotion to his family and make wonderful art from his experience. For comic fans that enjoy a great family-friendly tale or interested in more diverse superhero stories, check out Metaphase #2 this month.

Metaphase #2 will be in comic shops September 5th, 2018

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