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The Pull List – Livewire #4


Held in a trance by Pan, Amanda is forced to revisit her memories. The two were students of Toyo Harada, and have each take a different path from their former master. Pan seeks to punish Amanda by showing her all the people she is failing to protect. Using Amanda’s guilt against herself, Pan wants to destroy Amanda’s will before he ends her life. Now Amanda will have to face her own demons before she breaks free from Pan’s control.

The villainous Pan has overpowered Amanda and has her right where he wants her. Bound to his psionic power, they journey into Amanda’s past. Witnessing moments between Amanda and the Secret Weapons, Pan judges Amanda for being having vulnerabilities. For Pan, having compassion makes a person weak. Amanda’s care for the members of the Secret Weapons is what caused the nationwide black out and has turned her to become reckless. However, against all the pain, Amanda does not easily give in to his words without a fight. Despite being powerless and bounded in a trap, Amanda still has hope. 

Issue four delves a mental challenge for Amanda to confront. Vita Ayala has turned the great psionic power hero into a prisoner within her own mind and body. Amanda was ambushed by armed mercenaries and stripped of her powers but managed to escape with her culling mind. However, now the tables have turned. Pan is using Amanda’s mind is being controlled by Pan to corrupt herself. All the lengths that Amanda has done to protect her team are threatened by Pan’s influence. Ayala brings a dramatic shift to the story as Amanda is confronted with the truth of her actions and the person she could’ve had been if she gave into Toyo Harad’s teachings. Fans should not miss out on how Amanda overcomes her past and her tormenter when this issue drops this week.

Livewire #4 will be on sale on March 13th, 2019.

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