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The Pull List – The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #5

With reports of Toyo Harada’s death spread across the world, the last allies decide on what to do next.  Edward Sedgewick, codename Stronghold, remains loyal to Harada and guards the space elevator. However, the anti-Harada forces pressure the few Harbinger groups to surrender. Without Toyo Harada in command, can his team protect Harada’s vision or will they make a choice to save themselves?

The void left behind in the Harbinger Foundation was a massive one. His apparent death halts the development of refugee camps, scientific research, and an elevator to space to collect alien technology. But his allies that fought by his side are hit the hardest. Without a leader to guide them, each member is faced with a difficult choice to ensure their survival. Meanwhile, Stronghold, one of Harada’s oldest soldiers, recollects a memory about Harada and judges if the man’s dream is worth preserving. In the past, Harada introduced a young Stronghold to Simon, a pisot with uncontrollable power. Stronghold learns the troubling details about Simon’s abilities and the flaws behind his all-powerful leader.

Issue five deals with the aftermath of Harada’s demise. Joshua Dysart follows the supportive members of Harada’s last mission and their possible outcomes from this ordeal. The anti-Harada forces seem to embrace their early victory, pushing heavily for surrender before a finale raid on Harbinger foundation. The next issue will see if Harada’s dream will be completed or left forever in the mind of a deadman.

The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #5 will be on sale on July 17th, 2019.

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