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The Pull List – Livewire #8

The Psiot Safety & Education Program has tolerated Livewire’s presence for long enough and swiftly enforce their control. Serena Byrne speaks with a tied up Amanda, while the rest of the PSEP staff prepare transfer the young students out of the facility. Meanwhile, Phoebe Daniels discovers Amanda was correct about PSEP connection to OMEN and will have to choose which side to follow.

Beaten and bound, Livewire is confronted by Serena, who has dropped the pleasantries for threats. Livewire’s invitation to the PSEP facility has been a ploy to trap her and prove Livewire’s negative impact on the future of psiots. Having heard enough from Serena, Livewire springs into action to release herself and try to rescue the children from becoming new weapons for an evil organization. However, the facility is being evacuated and more people are scattering the complex with every moment. Feeling some guilt in her role to capture Livewire, Phoebe Daniels tries to find Serena or PSEP’s second in command, Jada, for answers. But in a panic, she lashes out and draws unwanted attention.

Writer Vita Ayala brings the closing chapter to Livewire’s story by having Livewire confront PSEP head-on. Livewire’s attempt to expose PSEP is successful, but the fallout causes an exodus from the facility. The peaceful institution is revealed to be a front to OMEN, a corporation with ties to nefarious activities. Ayala has spent more of the story arc having Livewire try to reason with PSEP, before a show of force. Livewire’s role as a fugitive vigilante places her in an untrustworthy guardian for many people. Ayala also gives Phoebe Daniels great importance to represent the next generation of psiots that will have to grow in this period of psiots panic that will undoubtedly be part of the longer Valiant universe. KANO amazing artwork is great. KANO uses a lot of shadows and lighting work to building up tension in the panels without exaggerating details.

Livewire #8 was released on July 24th, 2019

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