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The Pull List – Punk Mambo #4

Punk Mambo’s hunt for the missing loa spirits leads her to Azaire, a man powerful anti-voodoo abilities. Azaire has puppetry Uncle Gunnysack and the Tonton Macoute from afar and enslaving people with spiritual talents to make him the most dominant figure with the undead. Mambo’s encounter with Azaire had left her wounded and scared, but fear only fuels Mambo to take Azaire down. Azaire’s men look to finish off Mambo, but she waits to even to get her revenge soon enough.

Issue four sees Mambo and Josef hide from the Tonton Macoute. Mambo followed Uncle Gunnysack to Azaire’s base of operation and was salvage beaten, almost killed if it weren’t for her voodoo blood magic helping her out. However, Azaire can counter voodoo magic easily and render it’s user powerless. His collection of voodoo gods and loa spirits keeps him unopposed and in charge of the Tonton Macoute. Mambo finds time to lick her wounds, with the help of Josef’s participation. Getting back to full strength is just one part of Mambo’s plan and she will have to have to move fast if she wants to get to the next step.

Punk Mambo encounters an enemy her powers cannot easily tackle. Azaire is the menacing foe that will stop at nothing to control the spiritual realm. This goes against everything Mambo had stood for, and brings out the fighting spirit within her. No longer wandering around Hati without a cause, she rallies with Josef to on the Azaire’s men. Cullen Bunn and Adam Gorham bring the best out of Punk Mambo, showing off some of her tragic moments from her past and more intimate magical abilities. The story sees Mambo accepting to be the hero she tries to avoid and it’s all chaotical fun.

Punk Mambo will be on sale on July 31st, 2019.

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