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The Pull List – Livewire #11

The political team up with John Wright brings Amanda to a night out at a charity ball. Amanda and John campaign surrounded by support and undermining opponents that still regard Amanda as a terrorist. The charity ball is neutral grounds for people with all views to attend. Even Amanda’s biggest political rival Senator Jeff McCoy will share the same party space. However, among the attendees are a few masked robbers that don’t care what views but an easy score. Is Amanda ready to step back into her superhero heroics?

The night had started as a charitable party with the rich and powerful socializing. At the recommendation of John, Amanda makes her big appearance at the ball. Armed for conversations and debate, Amanda came to be seen instead of coming to fight. It was inevitable Senator McCoy would have a few chose words with Amanda and John. The Senator has not backed down from his stance against the psiot community and labels Amanda as the reason for the troubles. But just when fierce words could spark any real angry, masked robbers attack the ball. Now the psiot the ball has praised and feared must come to the rescue.

Livewire #11 puts Amanda into a new battlefield, but the tactics are the same. Even dressed up in a killer evening wear doesn’t mean she gets a complete night off from being a hero. In fact, now her every moment is being watched and judged as she rises up the political game. Yet, the impact and reactions of Amanda’s return have yet its peak. Amanda will have to be fast when the real truth is revealed and where her place in the plan will affect the psiots future.

Livewire #11 was released on October 9th, 2019.

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