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Day 0 of Monster-Mania 2014

It came as a huge slap to my ego… I can say I’m a huge horror fan, yet I never knew I lived so close to a local Horror con. Somehow, I’ve been oblivious to it the whole time I’ve lived in New Jersey. But that’s changing this year when I finally visit Monster-Mania (March  7th  – 9th).

Horror stars, horror fans, horror films, and horror merchants of all sorts will be drawn to Jersey like 80’s zombies to brains. Stars will be signing autographs, fans will be arguing the merits of obscure monster movies, and I’ll be bothering the hotel bartenders about their favorite Saw movies… All while on the look out for celebrities to interview.

Some of the events that I am beyond excited to attend are the Leatherface actor reunion, on top of the original Candyman and Crow reunions. Basically, Zach and I have one objective: bug the hell out of Tony Todd.

“Say Candyman ONE more goddamn time!”


We’ll be keeping you updated throughout our Monster-Mania journey. We’ll be detailing our encounters with all sorts of stars (and not stars) we come across. Plus, all the gory horror goodies we come across. Hopefully we can snag a few big surprises for you, too!

Bottom line? You won’t want to miss our coverage. And you won’t have to! For the latest coverage (and possible alcohol-fueled randomness), keep your eyes on our Twitter account and our Facebook page.

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