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The Pull List – The Battles of Bridget Lee Volume 2: The Miracle Child TPB

In a world with that has been ripped apart by a war between humans and aliens, one woman would rise up from the battlefields and inspire humanity. The Battles of Bridget Lee follows combat medic Bridget Lee as she faces countless challenges on a mangled Earth caused by the aliens known as the Marauders. Residing in a one of the few remaining safe outpost, Bridget watches over survivors while overcoming her own inner terrors. In the previous volume, The Invasion of FarfallBridget Lee had struck a major blow against the Marauders, ensuring her people escape capture and her heroic legend was born. In The Miracle Child, the story picks up two years later with the remnant community of the Farfall outpost taken up residence in a mountain side fortress known as Tempest. The Marauders have increase raids on outposts, searching for mystery person that will turn the tide of the war in Marauders’s favor. Tensions flair as food and shelter is limited. After decades of war, will humanity cede to the Marauders or will Bridget Lee’s efforts give the people hope?

The Battles of Bridget Lee: The Invasion of Farfall was first released in 2016 as a graphic novel by comic creator Ethan Young. The story takes places an post apocalyptic world with a unique perspective of a post traumatic medic instead of the usually lone wolf, “play by their own rules” scavenger type character. Set in a futuristic earth, filled with advanced technology. The Earth is stormed by alien invaders that have come to the planet to dominant all life, starting a war that lasts for generations. As time goes by, few humans could remember a life before the war and even some of the Marauders have joined the humans to stop the battles. The Invasion of Farfall introduced Bridget Lee as a conflicted character, one that is dealing with the death of a loved one and stepping into the role as a figure for rallying other survivors. In the second volume, Bridget Lee starts confronting her fears as she is pushed into the spotlight as a hero. More of the world is exploded as Bridget and her friends travel to offer aid to a neighboring outpost, showing off the ruin landscapes of crumbling cities, past battlefields and the faces of the next generation of humans enduring the war. 

The Miracle Child is a fun read for fans of post apocalyptic, sci-fi and action tales. There are some great combat scenes between the humans and Marauders that features mech suits and alien weaponry. Ethan Young is both the writer and artist for the series, showing his love of underdog tales and exciting action sequences. Fans of Ethan’s other novel, Nanjing: The Burning City, will be acquainted with Ethan’s style, as The Battles of Bridget Lee displays similar tonesMiracle Child ramps up the drama with a few twist and turns to the story, creating thrilling and heart breaking moments to witness. More supporting characters play important roles and the series is building towards an epic next chapter. We definitively recommend checking out The Invasion of Farfall before diving into the new volume, it’s worth the time to get acquainted with world of Bridgett Lee and how she started her legend. 

The Battles of Bridget Lee Volume 2: The Miracle Child TPB will be released May 9th 2018

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