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The Pull List – The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #3

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima had kicked off the atomic age and awakened Toyo Harada’s powers. In the late 1940s, Harada would visit one of the people behind the atomic age, Albert Einstein. The two would share a moment as Einstein’s grip on the world was fading, leaving behind an important message with the powerful omega level psiot. In the present, Harada searches the memory of Einstein for clues to understand his next action. Predicting a betrayal from Angela Vessel, Harada rushes to guard his most precious work before his own final moment arrives.

This issue takes a surreal look at the meaning of life and death. Albert Einstein work on the Manhattan Project would lead to Hiroshima’s destruction, eventually sparking Harada’s journey. At a young age, Harada had been a savior, a conquer and a worshipped figure, but Harada had yet to understand his true purpose. Writer Joshua Dysart brings a poetic tone in this issue with Harada meeting Einstein at his end. Harada wonders if a great intellectual man like Einstein can offer some advice about humanity. With all of Harada’s powers, the great mystery of life had alluded the young man. This poses the question if Toyo Harada was misguided or saw humanity as a problem that needed correcting. With three issues left in the series, there is still room for more life to Harad’s past, but death brings closure to all things.   

The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #3 will be on sale on May 15th, 2019.

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