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The Pull List – Punk Mambo #2

Brought in to a church by a magical cult of voodoo followers, Punk Mambo meets a council of Voodoo Gods. The Gods directed Punk Mambo to track the demonic thief known as Uncle Gunnysack. This was the same demon that snatched up Mambo’s loa companion Ayezan and is responsible for many other disappearances. Reluctantly accepting the task of the Voodoo Gods, Punk Mambo sets off to look for clues on Uncle Gunnysack location with a voodoo practitioner named Josef. Together they search the Haitian markets for clues, unaware of the eyes that are watching them.

Writer Cullen Bunn lets Punk Mambo be as blunt and loud as her haircut. When in the presence of Gods of Voodoo, Punk Mambo is still rebellious. Instead of being honored, she lets the Voodoo Gods know that she does not take orders from anyone. Even if those orders came from powerful Voodoo entities. But if she is to rescue the missing loas, she is forced to accept the help of Josef. This new partner explores Punk Mambo ability to work with others, despite her resistance. It’s a fun dynamic that challenges Punk Mambo’s attitude and her understanding of her voodoo powers. Bunn’s second chapter in this story nicely reveals some background to the mysterious Uncle Gunnysack and the connection to the Haitian voodoo lore. Things only get increasingly dark and extraordinary as Punk Mambo follows Uncle Gunnysack and sets up more shocking reveals in the next issue.

Punk Mambo #2 will be on sale on May 29th, 2019.

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